Best and most simple explanation I could find on web for Spool is - "Spool is a physical operator that shows up in the execution plan. Query optimizer uses spools when it thinks that it's better to put data in the temp table rather than hitting a table again and again using seeks and scans" - from this Q&A.
Query optimizer reads and calculate computed data and put it on a worktable in tempDb when it thinks reading data from original table is too much cost (cost based optimization).
There are several types of spool operators in a execution plan:
* Table Spools -> Physical Operator
* Index Spools -> Physical Operator
* Row Count Spools -> Physical Operator
* Window Spools -> Logical/Physical Operator
* Eager Spools -> Logical Operator
* Lazy Spools -> Logical Operator
Table Spool - Read a table and create a work table that only exists for the life time of the query.
Index Spool - Reads a table(s) and create a work table and also create a non-clustered index on it. Exists only for the life time of the query.
Row Count Spool - Reads a table and returns count or rows, used when need to check existence of rows rather than data.
Window Spool - Expand each row into set of window associate with it (window functions)
Eager Spool - Scans entire input (table) and stores, even when ask for first row (eager operation)
Lazy Spool - Build the work table in lazy manner, i.e. row is stored when parent operator ask for it.
I used following articles to extract above for my knowledge and recommend you to read in deep if you like more details:
* -> by Pawan Khowal